
Business Coaching Programs

Business coaching is a one-on-one relationship that we begin by working with you to uncover your true core values and vision for your business. If your vision needs a good dusting off, we will help you do that too! Here at IMPACTA Business Excellence Ltd. we believe a true vision will bring inspiration to your business and becomes the launching point for an exciting journey in creating the business you have always wanted. Business coaching is a tool you can use to make your business better - to drive change, to make more money, to get some time back for yourself or to wrestle control back for yourself.

Business coaching is a process that has three main components:

  • Taking you out of the day-to-day of running your business and making you think about your objectives and how to get there.
  • Having a third party (your coach) look at your business, your goals and your ideas unburdened by what you know already (or what you think you know but perhaps are just assuming).
  • Using a structured and methodical system to analyze your business (and you) and to guide you as to what to do to aim at your goals and address the things holding you back.
On the journey to designing your business through our coaching program, you will receive gracious accountability, feedback, support, and motivation. We will become your Business Coach but, you will find we become so much more. As we have the honor of getting to know you and your business, your success will be our success as your journey becomes part of our journey. Take control and let's begin the journey together today!